
Who Becomes King After Macbeth

King of Scotland from 1040 to 1057

King of Alba
Reign fourteen Baronial 1040– fifteen August 1057[one]
Predecessor Duncan I[ane]
Successor Lulach[ane]
Mormaer of Moray
Reign 1032–1057
Predecessor Gille Coemgáin
Successor Lulach[1]
Born c.  1005 [ane]
Died (1057-08-15)xv Baronial 1057[ane]
Lumphanan or Scone


Spouse Gruoch
House Moray
Father Findláech[ane]
Mother Donada[1]

Macbeth (Medieval Gaelic: Mac Bethad mac Findlaích ; Modern Scottish Gaelic: MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh; English: Macbeth son of Findlay, nicknamed Rí Deircc , "the Blood-red King";[2] c.  1005 – 15 August 1057) was King of Scots from 1040 until his decease.[1] He ruled over the Kingdom of Alba, which covered only a portion of present-day Scotland.

Lilliputian is known almost Macbeth's early on life, although he was the son of Findláech of Moray and may have been a grandson of Malcolm Two.[1] He became Mormaer of Moray – a semi-autonomous province – in 1032, and was probably responsible for the death of the previous mormaer, Gille Coemgáin. He subsequently married Gille Coemgáin's widow, Gruoch, simply they had no children together.

In 1040, Duncan I launched an attack into Moray and was killed in action by Macbeth's troops. Macbeth succeeded him as King of Alba, apparently with piddling opposition. His 17-year reign was mostly peaceful, although in 1054 he was faced with an English invasion, led by Siward, Earl of Northumbria, on behalf of Edward the Confessor. Macbeth was killed at the Battle of Lumphanan in 1057 by forces loyal to the future Malcolm III. He was buried on Iona, the traditional resting identify of Scottish kings.

Macbeth was initially succeeded by his stepson Lulach, but Lulach ruled for merely a few months before also existence killed past Malcolm III,[1] whose descendants would dominion Scotland until the late 13th century. Macbeth is today best known as the principal character of William Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth and the many works that it has inspired. All the same, Shakespeare's Macbeth is based on Holinshed'south Chronicles (published in 1577) and is not historically accurate.

Name [edit]

Macbeth's total proper name in Medieval Gaelic was Mac Bethad mac Findlaích . This is realised as MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh in Modern Gaelic, and anglicised equally Macbeth MacFinlay (also spelled Findlay, Findley, or Finley). The name Mac Bethad, from which the anglicised "MacBeth" is derived, means "son of life".[3] Although information technology has the appearance of a Gaelic patronymic it does non have whatever meaning of filiation but instead carries an implication of "righteous man"[3] or "religious man".[4] An alternative proposed derivation is that it is a abuse of macc-bethad meaning "i of the elect".[3]

Royal beginnings [edit]

Some sources make Macbeth a grandson of King Malcolm 2 and thus a cousin to Duncan I, whom he succeeded. He was possibly also a cousin to Thorfinn the Mighty, Earl of Orkney and Caithness. Nigel Tranter, in his novel Macbeth the King, went so far as to portray Macbeth as Thorfinn'due south half-brother, and Dorothy Dunnett portrays Macbeth and Thorfinn as a single private (Macbeth being a baptismal name) in the novel "Rex Time to come.[five] Withal, this is speculation arising from the lack of historical certainty regarding the number of daughters that Malcolm had.[6]

Mormaer and dux [edit]

When Cnut the Great came north in 1031 to accept the submission of King Malcolm 2, Macbeth too submitted to him:

... Malcolm, king of the Scots, submitted to him, and became his man, with ii other kings, Macbeth and Iehmarc ...[7]

Some accept seen this every bit a sign of Macbeth'south ability; others take seen his presence, together with Iehmarc, who may exist Echmarcach mac Ragnaill, as proof that Malcolm Two was overlord of Moray and of the Kingdom of the Isles.[8] Whatever the true state of affairs in the early on 1030s, it seems more than probable that Macbeth was bailiwick to the king of Alba, Malcolm II, who died at Glamis, on 25 November 1034. The Prophecy of Berchán, manifestly alone in near-contemporary sources, says that Malcolm died a violent death: calling it a "kinslaying" without really naming his killers.[9] Tigernach's relate says only:

Máel Coluim son of Cináed, king of Alba, the honour of western Europe, died.[x]

Malcolm 2'south grandson Duncan (Donnchad mac Crínáin), after King Duncan I, was acclaimed every bit rex of Alba on thirty November 1034, obviously without opposition. Duncan appears to have been tánaise ríg, the king in waiting, so that far from being an abandonment of tanistry, every bit has sometimes been argued, his kingship was a vindication of the practice. Previous successions had involved strife between diverse rígdomna – men of royal blood.[eleven] Far from beingness the anile King Duncan of Shakespeare's play, the existent Rex Duncan was a young man in 1034, and even at his death in 1040 his youthfulness is remarked upon.[12]

Duncan'due south early reign was apparently uneventful. His after reign, in line with his clarification as "the human being of many sorrows" in the Prophecy of Berchán, was not successful. In 1039, Strathclyde was attacked past the Northumbrians, and a retaliatory raid led by Duncan confronting Durham turned into a disaster. Duncan survived the defeat, simply the post-obit year he led an regular army due north into Moray, Macbeth'southward domain, plain on a punitive expedition against Moray.[thirteen] There he was killed in action, at the boxing of Bothnagowan, now Pitgaveny, almost Elgin, by the men of Moray led by Macbeth, probably on fourteen August 1040.[xiv] [fifteen]

King of Alba [edit]

On Duncan's death, Macbeth became male monarch. Had his reign not been universally accustomed, resistance would have been expected but none is known to have occurred. In 1045, Duncan'south father Crínán of Dunkeld (a scion of the Scottish co-operative of the Cenél Conaill and Hereditary Abbot of Iona) was killed in a battle between two Scottish armies.[16] Duncan's younger brother Maldred of Allerdale is believed to have died in the same battle, the family fighting Macbeth in defence of Duncan I'due south young son Malcolm III.[17]

John of Fordun wrote that Duncan's wife fled Scotland, taking her children, including the futurity kings Malcolm III (Máel Coluim mac Donnchada) and Donald Three (Domnall Bán mac Donnchada, or Donalbane) with her. On the basis of the author's beliefs as to whom Duncan married, various places of exile, Northumbria and Orkney among them, have been proposed. Nonetheless, E. William Robertson proposes the safest identify for Duncan'south widow and her children would be with her or Duncan'south kin and supporters in Atholl.[eighteen]

Later on the defeat of Crínán, Macbeth was evidently unchallenged. Marianus Scotus tells how the king made a pilgrimage to Rome in 1050, where, Marianus says, he gave coin to the poor as if it were seed.

Karl Hundason [edit]

The Orkneyinga Saga says that a dispute between Thorfinn Sigurdsson, Earl of Orkney, and Karl Hundason began when Karl Hundason became "King of Scots" and claimed Caithness. The identity of Karl Hundason, unknown to Scots and Irish gaelic sources, has long been a matter of dispute, and it is far from articulate that the matter is settled. The near common assumption is that Karl Hundason was an insulting byname (Old Norse for "Boor, son of a Dog") given to Macbeth by his enemies.[nineteen] William Forbes Skene's suggestion that he was Duncan I of Scotland has been revived in recent years. Lastly, the idea that the whole affair is a poetic invention has been raised.[20]

Co-ordinate to the Orkneyinga Saga, in the war which followed, Thorfinn defeated Karl in a sea-battle off Deerness at the east end of the Orkney Mainland. Then Karl's nephew Mutatan or Muddan, appointed to rule Caithness for him, was killed at Thurso by Thorkel the Fosterer. Finally, a cracking battle at Tarbat Ness[21] on the south side of the Dornoch Firth concluded with Karl defeated and fugitive or expressionless. Thorfinn, the saga says, then marched south through Scotland as far as Fife, burning and plundering as he passed. A afterward note in the saga claims that Thorfinn won nine Scottish earldoms.[22]

Whoever Karl Hundason may have been, it appears that the saga is reporting a local conflict with a Scots ruler of Moray or Ross:

[T]he whole narrative is consistent with the thought that the struggle of Thorfinn and Karl is a continuation of that which had been waged since the ninth century by the Orkney earls, notably Sigurd Rognvald'due south son, Ljot, and Sigurd the Stout, against the princes or mormaers of Moray, Sutherland, Ross, and Argyll, and that, in fine, Malcolm and Karl were mormaers of one of these four provinces.[23]

Final years [edit]

In 1052, Macbeth was involved indirectly in the strife in the Kingdom of England betwixt Godwin, Earl of Wessex and Edward the Confessor when he received a number of Norman exiles from England in his court, perhaps becoming the start king of Scots to introduce feudalism to Scotland.[ citation needed ] In 1054, Edward's Earl of Northumbria, Siward, led a very large invasion of Scotland (Duncan'south widow and Malcolm's mother, Suthed, was Northumbrian-built-in; it is probable but not proven that at that place was a family tie between Siward and Malcolm). The campaign led to a encarmine battle at Dunsinnan,[24] in which the Annals of Ulster reported 3,000 Scots and 1,500 English language dead; which can exist taken as pregnant very many on both sides. One of Siward's sons and a son-in-police force were amongst the dead. The result of the invasion was that i Máel Coluim, "son of the king of the Cumbrians" (not to be dislocated with Máel Coluim mac Donnchada, the future Malcolm III of Scotland) was restored to his throne, i.east., as ruler of the kingdom of Strathclyde.[25] It may be that the events of 1054 are responsible for the idea, which appears in Shakespeare'south play, that Malcolm III was put in power by the English.

Macbeth did non survive the English language invasion for long, for he was defeated and mortally wounded or killed by the future Malcolm III ("Male monarch Malcolm Ceann-mor", son of Duncan I)[26] on the north side of the Mounth in 1057, after retreating with his men over the Cairnamounth Pass to have his last stand at the battle at Lumphanan.[27] The Prophecy of Berchán has it that he was wounded and died at Scone, sixty miles to the south, some days later.[28] Macbeth's stepson Lulach was installed as king presently later on.

Different after writers, no virtually-gimmicky source remarks on Macbeth as a tyrant. The Duan Albanach, which survives in a course dating to the reign of Malcolm III, calls him "Mac Bethad the renowned". The Prophecy of Berchán, a verse history which purports to be a prophecy, describes him as "the generous king of Fortriu", and says:

The cerise, tall, golden-haired ane, he will exist pleasant to me amid them; Scotland volition be brimful west and east during the reign of the furious red one.[29]

Life to fable [edit]

Macbeth's life, similar that of King Duncan I, had progressed far towards legend by the end of the 14th century, when John of Fordun and Andrew of Wyntoun wrote their histories. Hector Boece, Walter Bower, and George Buchanan all contributed to the fable.

William Shakespeare'southward depiction and its influence [edit]

Macbeth and the witches by Henry Fuseli (Johann Heinrich Füssli) (1741–1825)

In Shakespeare's play, which is based mainly upon Raphael Holinshed'south account, Macbeth is initially a valiant and loyal general to the elderly Male monarch Duncan. After being manipulated by Three Witches and his wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth murders Duncan and usurps the throne. Ultimately, the prophecies of the witches evidence misleading, and Macbeth becomes a murderous tyrant. Duncan's son Malcolm stages a revolt against Macbeth, during which a guilt-ridden Lady Macbeth commits suicide. During boxing, Macbeth encounters Macduff, a refugee nobleman whose wife and children had earlier been murdered on Macbeth's orders. Upon realising that he volition die if he duels with Macduff, Macbeth at first refuses to practise so. But when Macduff explains that if Macbeth surrenders he volition be subjected to ridicule by his former subjects, Macbeth vows, "I will not yield to kiss the ground before immature Malcolm's feet, to be baited by a rabble'southward curse." He chooses instead to fight Macduff to the death. Macduff kills and beheads Macbeth, and the play ends with Prince Malcolm becoming king.

The likely reason[30] for Shakespeare'southward unflattering depiction of Macbeth is that King James 6 and I was descended from Malcolm 3 via the Business firm of Bruce and his ain House of Stewart, whereas Macbeth'south line died out with the death of Lulach six months after his pace-father. Rex James was also thought to be a descendant of Banquo through Walter Stewart, 6th Loftier Steward of Scotland.

In a 1959 essay, Boris Pasternak compared Shakespeare'south characterisation of Macbeth to Raskolnikov, the protagonist of Criminal offence and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Pasternak explained that neither character begins every bit a murderer, but becomes ane past a set of faulty rationalisations and a conventionalities that he is above the law.

Lady Macbeth has also become famous in her own right. In his 1865 novel Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, Nikolai Leskov updated The Tragedy of Macbeth then that it takes identify among the Royal Russian merchant class. In an ironic twist, however, Leskov reverses the gender roles – the woman is the murderer and the man is the instigator. Leskov's novel was the basis for Dmitri Shostakovich'due south 1936 opera of the same name.

Other depictions [edit]

In modern times, Dorothy Dunnett's novel King Hereafter aims to portray a historical Macbeth, but proposes that Macbeth and his rival and sometime ally, Thorfinn of Orkney, are one and the aforementioned (Thorfinn is his nascence name and Macbeth his baptismal name). John Cargill Thompson'southward play Macbeth Speaks 1997, a reworking of his before Macbeth Speaks, is a monologue delivered by the historical Macbeth, enlightened of what Shakespeare and posterity have done to him. Scottish author Nigel Tranter based one of his historical novels, MacBeth the King, on the historical figure. David Greig'south 2010 play Dunsinane takes Macbeth's downfall at Dunsinane equally its starting point, with his reign portrayed as long and stable, in dissimilarity to Malcolm'due south. British Touring Shakespeare likewise produced in 2010 A Season Before the Tragedy of Macbeth past dramatist Gloria Carreño describing events from the murder of "Lord Gillecomgain", Gruoch Macbeth'due south first husband, to the fateful letter in the first act of Shakespeare's tragedy

Macbeth appears as a character in the idiot box series Gargoyles with the Gargoyle Demona playing a crucial role in both his ascent and autumn every bit King of Scotland. He was voiced by John Rhys-Davies.

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j thousand 50 Weir, Alison (2008). Britain's Royal Families: The Consummate Genealogy. p. 183. ISBN9780099539735.
  2. ^ William Forbes Skene, Chronicles, p. 102.
  3. ^ a b c Aitchison, Nicholas Boyter (1999). Macbeth:homo and myth. p. 38. ISBN978-0750918916.
  4. ^ Davis, J. Madison (1995). The Shakespeare Name and Place Dictionary. p. 294. ISBN978-1884964176.
  5. ^ Knapp, Tom. "Nigel Tranter: Macbeth the Rex". . Retrieved 8 August 2016.
  6. ^ "Scotland Kings". Foundation for Medieval Genealogy . Retrieved 8 August 2016.
  7. ^ Anglo-Saxon Relate, Ms. East, 1031.
  8. ^ Compare Duncan, Kingship of the Scots, pp. 29–30 with Hudson, Prophecy of Berchán, pp. 222–223.
  9. ^ Hudson, Prophecy of Berchán, p. 223; Duncan, Kingship of the Scots, p. 33.
  10. ^ Annals of Tigernach 1034.1
  11. ^ Duncan I equally tánaise ríg, the chosen heir, come across Duncan, The Kingship of the Scots, pp. 33–35; Hudson, Prophecy of Berchán, pp. 223–224, where information technology is accepted that Duncan was king of Strathclyde. For tanistry, etc., in Ireland, see Ó Cróinín, Early on Medieval Ireland, 63–71. Byrne, Irish Kings and High-Kings, pp. 35–39, offers a different perspective.
  12. ^ Annals of Tigernach 1040.i.
  13. ^ One thousand. W. South. Barrow, Kingship and Unity: Scotland 1000–1306, Edinburgh University Press, 1981, p. 26.
  14. ^ Broun, "Duncan I (d. 1040)"; the date is from Marianus Scotus and the killing is recorded by the Annals of Tigernach.
  15. ^ Hudson, Prophecy of Berchán, pp. 223–224; Duncan, The Kingship of the Scots, pp. 33–34.
  16. ^ Annals of Tigernach 1045.ten; Register of Ulster 1045.six.
  17. ^ The Scots Peerage (PDF). Vol. iii – via
  18. ^ Robertson, Scotland under her Early Kings, p. 122. Hudson, Prophecy of Berchán, p. 224, refers to Earl Siward every bit Malcolm Iii'south "patron"; Duncan, The Kingship of the Scots, pp. 40–42 favours Orkney; Woolf offers no opinion. Northumbria is evidently a misapprehension, further than that cannot be said with certainty.
  19. ^ All the same Macbeth'due south male parent may exist called "jarl Hundi" in Njál's saga; Crawford, p. 72.
  20. ^ Anderson, ESSH, p. 576, note 7, refers to the account as "a fabled story" and concludes that "[n]o solution to the riddle seems to exist justified".
  21. ^ Roberts, John Lenox (1997), Lost Kingdoms: Celtic Scotland and the Centre Ages, Edinburgh University Press, p. 22, ISBN978-0-7486-0910-9
  22. ^ Orkneyinga Saga, cc. twenty & 32.
  23. ^ Taylor, p. 338; Crawford, pp. 71–74.
  24. ^ Broun, Dauvit (2015). "Malcolm Three". In Cannon, John; Crowcroft, Robert (eds.). The Oxford Companion to British History (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. Retrieved 6 Baronial 2020.
  25. ^ Florence of Worcester, 1052; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Ms. D, 1054; Annals of Ulster 1054.6; and discussed past Duncan, The Kingship of the Scots, pp. 38–41; encounter also Woolf, Pictland to Alba, pp. 260–263.
  26. ^ Moncreiffe, Iain (Sir Iain Moncreiffe of that Ilk). The Robertsons (Association Donnachaidh of Atholl). W. & A. Thou. Johnston & G. West. Bacon Ltd., Edinburgh. 1962 (reprint of 1954), p. six
  27. ^ Andrew Wyntoun, Original Relate, ed. F.J. Amours, vol. 4, pp 298–299 and 300–301 (c. 1420)
  28. ^ The verbal dates are uncertain, Woolf gives 15 August, Hudson 14 August and Duncan, post-obit John of Fordun, gives 5 Dec; Annals of Tigernach 1058.five; Annals of Ulster 1058.half dozen.
  29. ^ Hudson, Prophecy of Berchán, p. 91, stanzas 193 and 194.
  30. ^ "The History of Scotland by John Leslie, 1578". British Library . Retrieved 8 Baronial 2016.

Sources [edit]

  • The Register of Ulster, Advertizing 431–1201, CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts, 2003, retrieved 15 November 2008
  • The Register of Tigernach, CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts, 1996, retrieved fifteen November 2008
  • Gaelic notes from the Book of Deer (with translation), CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts, 2001, retrieved 15 November 2008
  • Anderson, Alan Orr (1922), Early Sources of Scottish History A.D. 500 to 1286, vol. I (1990 revised & corrected ed.), Stamford: Paul Watkins, ISBNone-871615-03-eight
  • Anderson, Alan Orr (1908), Scottish Register from English Chroniclers A.D. 500 to 1286, London: D. Nutt
  • Anderson, M. O. (1980), Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland (2nd ed.), Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, ISBN0-7011-1604-eight
  • Barrell, A. D. M. (2000), Medieval Scotland, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN0-521-58602-X
  • Barrow, M. W. S. (1989), Kingship and Unity: Scotland thousand–1306 (second ed.), Edinburgh: Edinburgh Academy Press, ISBN0-7486-0104-X
  • Broun, Dauvit (1999), The Irish Identity of the Kingdom of the Scots in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, ISBN0-85115-375-v
  • Cowan, Edward J. (1993), "The Historical MacBeth", in Sellar, Westward. D. H. (ed.), Moray: Province and People, Edinburgh: The Scottish Society for Northern Studies, pp. 117–142, ISBN0-9505994-vii-half dozen
  • Crawford, Barbara (1987), Scandinavian Scotland, Leicester: Leicester University Press, ISBN0-7185-1282-0
  • Driscoll, Stephen (2002), Alba: The Gaelic Kingdom of Scotland Advert 800–1124, The Making of Scotland, Edinburgh: Birlinn, ISBNane-84158-145-iii
  • Duncan, A. A. M. (1978), Scotland: The Making of the Kingdom (2nd ed.), Edinburgh: Mercat Press, ISBN0-901824-83-6
  • Duncan, A. A. M. (2002), The Kingship of the Scots 842–1292: Succession and Independence, Edinburgh: Edinburgh Academy Press, ISBN0-7486-1626-8
  • Foster, Sally 1000. (2004), Picts, Gaels and Scots: Early on Historic Scotland (2nd ed.), London: Batsford, ISBN0-7134-8874-iii
  • Smyth, Alfred P. (1984), Warlords and Holy Men: Scotland Advertisement eighty–1000, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, ISBN0-7486-0100-7
  • Swanton, Michael (1996), The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, New York: Routledge, ISBN0-415-92129-v
  • Taylor, A. B. (1937), "Karl Hundason, "King of Scots"" (PDF), Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, LXXI: 334–340
  • Woolf, Alex (2007), "The Cult of Moluag, the Run into of Mortlach and Church Organisation in Northern Scotland in the Eleventh and 12th Centuries", in Arbuthnot, Sharon J.; Hollo, Kaarina (eds.), Fil suil nglais – A Grey Eye Looks Back: A Festschrift for Colm O'Baoill (PDF), Brig o' Turk: Clann Tuirc, pp. 317–322, ISBN978-0-9549733-vii-7
  • Woolf, Alex (2000), "The 'Moray Question' and the Kingship of Alba in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries", The Scottish Historical Review, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, LXXIX (ii): 145–164, doi:10.3366/shr.2000.79.2.145, ISSN 1750-0222, S2CID 162334631
  • Woolf, Alex (2007), From Pictland to Alba, 789–1070, The New Edinburgh History of Scotland, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, ISBN978-0-7486-1234-5

Farther reading [edit]

  • Tranter, Nigel MacBeth the King Hodder & Stoughton, 1978.
  • Aitchison, Nick Macbeth Sutton Publishing, 2001, ISBN 0-7509-2640-6.
  • Dunnett, Dorothy King Time to come Knopf, 1982, ISBN 0-394-52378-4.
  • Ellis, Peter Berresford Macbeth: High King of Scotland 1040–57 Learning Links, 1991, ISBN 0-85640-448-9.
  • Gregg, William H. Controversial bug in Scottish history Putnam, 1910.
  • Marsden, John Alba of the Ravens: In Search of the Celtic Kingdom of the Scots Constable, 1997, ISBN 0-09-475760-7.
  • Walker, Ian Lords of Alba Sutton Publishing, 2006, ISBN 0-7509-3492-1.

Macbeth, Rex of Scotland

Firm of Moray

Born: 1005 Died: 15 August 1057
Regnal titles
Preceded past

Duncan I

King of Scots
Succeeded by


Preceded by

Gille Coemgáin

Mormaer of Moray

Who Becomes King After Macbeth,


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