
Approach Approach Conflict Ap Psychology


Stress! We are all, unfortunately, familiar with the feeling of stress. When we experience certain events chosen stressors, we feel threatened or challenged, which, in turn, is stress.

When nosotros are stressed, nosotros could either have a physical reaction or an emotional reaction. Being stressed isn't always a negative feeling, though. If information technology's a brusk-term stressor, or a challenging one, nosotros could easily overcome it, and it gives us a positive feeling or heave πŸš€

An example of this, which you are probably familiar of, is when you are stressed for an examination. Being moderately stressed actually improves your performance (Yerkes-Dodson law), so in this case, information technology is a positive stress.



There are three master stressors in our lives:

  1. Catastrophes—unexpected events that we cannot control like floods, earthquakes, and war πŸŒ‹πŸŒ€πŸŒŠπŸŒͺ️

  2. Significant Life Changes—Humans don't like change, and so when major events occur and life transitions accept place, nosotros feel really stressed.

  3. Daily Hassles—If we don't have care of ourselves and manage our time, our daily schedule could cause us a lot of stress.

Stress could be very detrimental to our health, so it is important that we take care of ourselves πŸ›€πŸ’…

Responses to Stress

Fight or Flight Response

You are probably very familiar with this, but it is our stress response that involves the sympathetic nervous system and arouses the states.


General Adaptation Syndrome

Psychologist Hans Selye came upwards with this stress response that has there phases:

  1. 🚨Alarm—Our sympathetic nervous system is activated and our body is set to face the stressor.

  2. πŸƒResistance—We effort to cope with the stressor. Our trunk is on high alert and stress hormones are released.

  3. 😴Exhaustion—We cannot be in high alert forever, so our torso begins to be vulnerable.

Prototype Courtesy of Sanesco.

Dealing with Stress

In that location are two main ways of dealing with stress:

  1. Isolating oneself and withdrawing from society

  2. Tend and befriend response—communicating with others and supporting others 😍 Women often do this and like to bond because of high oxytocin levels. Men ordinarily respond more than aggressively to stress.

Lewin'south Motivation Conflict theory

Lewin took fight or flight but fabricated it more complex and created different ways people accost the stress causing conflict:

  1. πŸ‘πŸ‘Approach-approach disharmonize: when yous take to choice between 2 desirable outcomes.

  2. πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽAbstention-avoidance conflict: when you have to selection between two undesirable outcomes .

  3. πŸ‘πŸ‘ŽApproach-avoidance conflict: when one event or goal has both an bonny and undesirable outcome.

  4. 🀷Multiple approach-avoidance disharmonize: must cull between 2 or more things that have both attractive and undesirable outcomes.

Stress related illnesses

Prolonged exposure to stress can cause stress-related illnesses like heart illness, cancer, a stroke, and chronic lung disease. These could also be called psychophysiological illnesses.


Cortisol is a hormone associated with stress. While modest amounts give benefits in the short term, prolonged exposure tin can crusade significant health problems.

Unhealthy Behaviors

When people are stressed, sometimes they get into unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking🚬, drinking🍹, and consuming drugs.

Exercise AP Questions

There are sooo many AP FRQs that include at least one stage of the general adaptation syndrome. Here are a few if you want to try them out:

Alarm Phase

The following question is part of #2 on the 2015 AP Psychology Exam.

Chandler and Alex were transferred to a new city and needed to find a new home 🏠 They carefully considered every business firm inside their price range and finally purchased one that met all their criteria ✔️ (Part A questions)

1 calendar month before the move, Chandler and Alex asked friends to help them organize and pack their belongings. One week before the scheduled moving 24-hour interval, they learned that they needed to move out inside 48 hours, and then they quickly πŸ’¨ finished packing.

  • Explicate how the alarm phase of general adaptation syndrome could exist related to their moving process.

Resistance Stage

The following question is function of #2 on the 2017 AP Psychology Exam.

Sachio traveled to a prestigious higher to audition for a music scholarship. After he arrived, he learned that his audition had been rescheduled for late in the day. Sachio was required to play several hard pieces on his saxophone 🎷and interview with the judges. Just earlier leaving campus, he was offered a full scholarship to the college. Explain how the resistance phase of the general adaptation syndrome contributed to the success of Sachio's visit.

Exhaustion Phase

The post-obit question is part of #2 on the 2018 AP Psychology Examination.

A survey was conducted to decide the state of the physical and psychological health of loftier school students. Some of the survey questions related to student stress levels and pupil absences due to affliction. The information on these variables are displayed beneath.

Image Courtesy of Higher Board.

  1. What is the most appropriate determination that can be drawn based on the figure above?

  2. Explain how the data depicted in the graph are consequent with the exhaustion stage of the full general adaptation syndrome.

  3. A researcher wants to conduct another study using the same variables, but wants to fix information technology upwards as an experiment. Explain one reason that an institutional review board (IRB) might not corroborate this new study.

πŸŽ₯ Spotter: AP PsychologyStress


Approach Approach Conflict Ap Psychology,


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