
Wake Up To Reality Quote

Wake Up To Reality Quotes & Sayings

Happy to read and share the best inspirational Wake Up To Reality quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Stephen D. Matthews: Never let your dreams keep your eyes close Never let your dreams keep your optics close to long. Wake upward and brand them a reality. — Stephen D. Matthews

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Samuel Colbran: To wake up every day with a whisper To wake upward every day with a whisper of a dream so put pen to paper to make it a reality — Samuel Colbran

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Aberjhani: Freedom rings bells to wake us from the Liberty rings bells to wake us from the condolement of beautiful dreams and empower the efforts that turn them into reality. — Aberjhani

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Stanislaw Jerzy Lec: I has a dream about reality. It was I has a dream about reality. It was such a relief to wake up. — Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Haruki Murakami: If only I could fallsound asleep and wake If but I could autumn
sound asleep and wake up in my onetime reality! — Haruki Murakami

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Thor Heyerdahl: I also believe that when one dies, one I as well believe that when 1 dies, one may wake upwards to the reality that proves that time does not exist. — Thor Heyerdahl

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Luke Blaise Pereira: That day we held our hands and each That day we held our easily and each other was indeed a beautiful dream. But, we all wake upward in the end. — Luke Blaise Pereira

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Tom Cruise: Even in my dreams, I'm an idiot who Even in my dreams, I'm an idiot who knows he's about to wake up to reality . — Tom Cruise

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By King Sun: Life is real, reality is not a dream.Those Life is real, reality is not a dream.
Those who chose to sleep ... I wake em upwards,
Crusade y'all're sleepin with your mouth open hummin deez nuts. — King Sun

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Weegee: Many photographers live in a dream world of Many photographers live in a dream world of beautiful backgrounds. It wouldn't injure them to get a gustatory modality of reality to wake them up. — Weegee

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Terry Pratchett: Live in dreams for too long and ye Alive in dreams for too long and ye go mad - ye tin can never wake upward prop'ly, ye can never get the hang o' reality again. — Terry Pratchett

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By A. Antares: The funny thing is, in reality we all The funny matter is, in reality we all just assume that life is going to happen when we wake up in the morning. What if information technology didn't? — A. Antares

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By P.T. Michelle: Nothing makes you appreciate life more then when Nothing makes you appreciate life more then when you wake upwards from a nightmare and realize it was merely that. It'due south a skilful reality check. — P.T. Michelle

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Keep wondering whether your waking reality is a Keep wondering whether your waking reality is a dream and you will wake upward to the real. — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Edward Lee: When we take life for granted, we're assholes. When we have life for granted, nosotros're assholes. Every day we wake upwardly and the earth's however turning- that's a great day. — Edward Lee

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Criss Jami: ...And maybe one day you will wake up ...And perhaps one 24-hour interval you lot will wake up every bit an infant in a completely unlike universe, and your entire life thus far was just one big dream. — Criss Jami

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan: You can sleep in a forest and have You can sleep in a forest and take a nice dream. Merely when you lot wake up, you will accept a much meliorate dream: The Magnificent Reality! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Ursula K. Le Guin: I am living in a nightmare, from which I am living in a nightmare, from which from time to time I wake in sleep. — Ursula K. Le Guin

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Winston Churchill: Socialism is like a dream. Sooner or later Socialism is like a dream. Sooner or after yous wake upward to reality . — Winston Churchill

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Dawn Lanuza: You are the dreamBut I've had wake up You are the dream
Simply I've had wake up calls — Dawn Lanuza

Wake Up To Reality Quotes By Bangambiki Habyarimana: Live in your dream. Refuse to wake up Alive in your dream. Refuse to wake upwardly until it is completely over. Then dream again. — Bangambiki Habyarimana

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